Now that they are older we go there weekly to play on the computers and get books. The library has some good kids games. Freddy likes an architect game. Charlie likes a reading game. Princess likes the computer to read to her.

In the last ten minutes of our visit the kids can pick out 2-3 books in the kids section if they want to. However, I require them to pick out 2-3 books from the youth non fiction section. I don't have any stipulations on topics, just something from that section. Freddy often picks out artistic books. He's in an origami phase. It is so awesome to see is artistic talents budding.
Before he was into the origami he got the entire series of Learn to Draw books. He would practice his skills on the long drive into town.

Princess is into anything pink. She picks books based solely on the color of the cover.
We have a borderline Unschooling philosophy where in the kids learn what they want to learn, on demand, with some math and what I want them to know mixed in. The library helps them to discover new interests.
This week I am reading John Green's An Abundance of Katherines. I really enjoyed The Fault in our Stars which was also written by him. I cried at that book. I NEVER cry. I'm downright black hearted. But that book made me tear up. I'm hoping that this book doesn't have that effect on me.
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